How Can Tech Start-ups Attract Top Tech Talents?

Finding top talent for a company might be challenging. Due to a shortage of IT skills, the struggle for top tech talent has never been fiercer.

As a result, even non-technical companies are pursuing IT, coding, data science, and engineering professionals to improve their IT capabilities.
It is vital for start-ups to employ high-performing, imaginative, and productive techies, especially in their early stages. So, how can a tech start-up compete with the big boys while simultaneously attracting top tech talent in this tight labor market?

How Can You Find the Best Tech Talents?

Start-ups are often new companies just getting their feet wet in the market, and their low financial resources make them even more susceptible. Hence, for the following reasons, acquiring software developers, for example, may be difficult:

  • Many engineers will only choose jobs that require them to use their specialized skills.
  • Many engineers have relatively narrow visions of the organization they wish to work for.
  • They research the reputation of the firm and its products before applying.
  • They are well paid — software engineers typically earn between N3,000,000 and N4,000,000 per year, with higher pay for senior roles.
  • They’re in high demand; millions of technical positions are unfilled due to a scarcity of qualified college graduates.

As a result, hiring someone who does not share the start-up’s values, goals, or mission might jeopardize the company’s long-term viability.

However, here are five ways to attract top IT talent that can help you stand out from the crowd and attract the ideal candidate (apart from talent poaching):

Candidates Should be Treated like Clients.

Treat your talents like your clients. Keep in touch with them frequently, keep them informed, and don’t forsake them during the recruiting process. Also, don’t subject them to a lengthy job application process.
Make the application process as simple as possible for job seekers by eliminating many documents, criteria, and queries. Instead, include a simple ‘Apply’ button on your career website or social media pages where people may send their resumes and cover letters.

Encourage Working From Home.

According to Gartner, a research and consulting firm, over 51% of all knowledge workers worldwide will work remotely by the end of 2021. The adoption of digital technology is gaining traction. Consequently, don’t allow location to get in the way of your IT hiring; you may now hire from anywhere globally.

Leading a remote team has never been simpler, given innovations in communication and virtual technologies. Finally, the remote work option gives applicants greater flexibility, benefiting them and the organization.

Creating a Fantastic Workplace Culture

First and foremost, the great majority of candidates switch companies to work for a firm with a better culture. Cultivating a positive corporate culture is vital to your brand’s success. It naturally benefits the retention of current employees as well as the recruitment of top talent.
You need to create an exciting work environment for your talents. It is important to work hard and efficiently, as inefficiency can demotivate employees.

Provide Excellent Employee Benefits and Perks

It’s not all about the money for millennials and their younger Generation Z colleagues (Stop rolling your eyes😉). Consider the following two examples:
Budget for working from home– To keep staff engaged and healthy, set aside money to buy a standing desk, a bigger and better computer, or a more comfortable working chair for their home office.
Set aside one day a week for “personal project work” to help them grow as individuals. Today, allow your staff to focus on self-care and career-development initiatives to learn new skills. (Not bad if they want to binge-watch their favorite show(s) on Netflix or take their partner out on a date)

Make Use of Your Co-workers’ Connections.

The most efficient way to identify talent is by networking. The good news is that you don’t just utilize networking to find new clients; you can also use it to find new candidates.
Your first point of call should be referrals. Word of mouth is the cheapest and most effective method of securing talent.
This technique also provides several benefits, including the following:
– Your co-workers can narrow out the candidates.
– It gives the candidate more confidence in the job offer.
– Because the prospects are familiar with your employees, they may be able to collaborate well.

As a start-up, you should focus on developing unique, cutting-edge solutions, methodologies, and workplace cultures. This should be no different when it comes to the hiring process. Every strategy should have a unique spin, demonstrating who you are and how your employees may advance within your organization.

Prodevs collaborates with businesses to find the top African tech talents available. Our ProInnovate program will launch soon and help tech companies and start-ups find top-tier talents. Simply click on “Hire tech talent” on, and we’ll identify and match the best tech candidates for your company.





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