Are You New To The Field of Tech Recruitment? These Tips Are For You.

Don’t bother trying to google Tech terms and end up confusing yourself; our seasoned Tech recruiters are here to save the day!

All the words that were jammed together (DevOps), the incessant Startup references, technologies that appear to be similar but are the polar opposite—yes, that’s a shade of Java and JavaScript. To make matters worse, developers of all categories seem to be in limited supply.

Tech recruitment can be intimidating, especially if you aren’t a tech guru.

Where Do You Even Begin?

The most significant people to ask for assistance are other experienced tech recruiters. Fortunately, we have a large number of them at the office. So, who’s up for a Tip delivery?

Tip #1: Define Your Tech Business Goals.

First and foremost, as a business owner, you must thoroughly understand the job and business requirements. Consult a skilled and experienced tech specialist who can listen to your objectives and make recommendations for the best technical jargon, platform, and so on for your company.

After you’ve settled on the technology and platform, you’ll need to research and know the job role you’re filling. For example, saying you need an IT Specialist isn’t helpful because it doesn’t convey what you require. Instead, you may require the services of a back-end software developer or a product software expert.

Only half of the requirements are technical experience and capabilities.

Tip #2: Seek Assistance.

Now that you’ve identified your Tech business goals, it’s time to list the talents you’ll need. You can consult the ProDevs team. It’s critical to be very specific about the qualities you’re looking for and the responsibilities that recruits will have.

Tip #3: Finding the Right Tech Talent

Once you understand the job’s technical requirements, such as technology, framework, languages, and other abilities, you can move on to the next step. It’s now time to spread the message.

When creating job ads and job descriptions to attract Tech talents, remember that they’re looking for more than just a big pay hike. They’re seeking for things such as –

  • Ability to work on challenges
  • Work on cutting-edge technology
  • Improved Work-Life Balance
  • Organizational Culture

Tip #4: Decide on a Salary and Training Period.

Get a sense of the salary scale. Examine what similar firms are paying applicants at various levels for similar job tasks, and use websites like or to look for identical tech positions in your area. Also, decide on the candidate’s training term and inform them before bringing them on board.

Tip #5: After You’ve Been Onboarded

It’s challenging to hire for a job you’ve never done before, and managing that employee once they’ve been employed is also challenging.

Invite anyone from your network or a friend who assisted you with the hiring process to evaluate the candidate. However, please pay attention to how he/she assesses the candidates so you can do better next time.

An excellent method for doing this is to assign new hires a mentor or peer buddy, who can help with productivity and longevity.

Make It a Reality!

All of the above can assist, but knowing at least a bit of programming is the best method to hire a programmer. So think outside the box, use your resources, and get to it.

If you don’t feel like going through it alone, contact someone with a tech background who can assist you in determining “what you want and what talents would be required for those specifications,” and then go on to establish and expand your firm.

Utmost #Tip: Hire a Tech Talent from ProDevs

Why go through all this stress when you can hire your tech talents on Prodevs. ProDevs specializes in connecting tech talents to entrepreneurs and vice versa, bridging the gap between African Tech Talents and Business owners.





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